Personal Consulting Services


Intent + Purpose = Power

Personal Development

A Harvard MBA Business School Study reflects only 3% of individuals surveyed have both written goals and concrete plans.  Ten years later the study showed, the 3% of individuals who had written goals and concrete plans made x10 more than other respondents.  Goal planning is an art-form that takes perception, planning, intuition and execution. Amenti helps individuals find the purpose behind their power.

Career Coaching

Studies show employees who stay with the same organization for longer than two years, get paid 50% less, which means savvy employees are capitalizing on market conditions that other employees are not.  Are you progressing at your potential?  Life is a series of opportunities and decisions.  Amenti helps clients realize their potential, and  prepare for opportunities  and capitalize on opportunities as they manifest in reality.

Expertise in this field:

Business Acumen

Career Advising

Career Mentoring

Career Transitions

Compensation Advising

Conflict Resolution

Employment Offers

Development Plan

Developmental Milestones

Emotional Intelligence

Employment Counseling

Employee Connection

Job Rotations

Goal Setting

Leadership Styles

Leadership Development

LinkedIn Recruiting

Management Skills


Networking Principals

Performance Marketing

Personal Brand

Resume Writing Services

Social Media
